Thursday 27 October 2011

Adding a Video Channel Widget to your Blog

I will use picasa and twitter to explain how to add a youtube widget to a blog. So ride with me as I put you through step by step.
Login to twitter, blogger and youtube before you begin.
  1. Go to (Please login to twitter to access it.);
  2. Click the "My Website" link in the left bar of the page opened in STEP 1;
  3. Select any of the widgets (but possibly the Profile Widget);
  4. Apply the necessary settings and then click on the button "Finish and Grab Code";
  5. You can choose to copy the code but I rather click the link with the "Blogger Image" which will take you to your blog if you are logged in;
  6. In the "Layout page" of your blog, click "Edit" on the newly added twitter widget. This will open a pop-up window;
  7. Rename the title and in the code section, replace it with the code below and click save, then you are DONE.
Note that you change the word "YOUR_USER_NAME" to your youtube username and you can adjust the "height and width" to your taste.
<iframe src= style="overflow: hidden; height: 140px; width: 170px; border: 0;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Message from ICFD

We are sending this message of goodwill to this project which seeks to empower impoverished Kenyan women from Kibera. For too long this segment of

the vibrant working population has been unduly marginalized. Their economic and social circumstances must be changed and their voices heard

We at ICfD are willing to support any and every worthy cause to make a difference in Kibera.

Johnson Opigo
on behalf of ICfD Team

Wednesday 26 October 2011


Are you documenting office or personal work, or you are the type that goes out a lot for a field work, or better still you want to quickly give an update to colleagues away from you about a project. You are in the right place for the answers to some of the best ways in keeping track of your events online.

Video Tutorials